We finally had time to update the Axis & Allies app. New features:
* New, redesigned UI for iOS9
* New unit graphics
* Estimation happens in the backgound as you enter units -- this is very useful
* New option to show/hide unit names overlay
* Amphibious assault joins land & sea battles
* Charts for IPC loss expectations
* Fixed some minor bugs in the simulation engine
* Support for the 1914 and 1942 editions.
* Rewritten in Swift
* Implemented damaged battleship and damaged carrier units entry (to the best of my knowledge, no other sim supports starting a battle with these units)
Free for small battles, original price is an in-app purchase. I kind of hate in-app purchases, but I wanted to make sure users could validate that the sim works before committing to it.
If you do find a bug, please comment below. If it's valid, we'll make sure to send you a free copy.
I just purchased this after realizing the flaws with the in game ambition calculator. I was looking for a calulator that gave 2 hits to cruisers and battleships as per the 1942 ambition app. I'm not even sure if that is the case with this...... Anyway I can not enter any quantities in for attacking aircraft for a sea battle and the defending aircraft button must be hit about a dozen times to register. Also I'm a bit unclear as to the meaning of some of the chart calculators despite my mechanical engineering degree... I bought this to help me figure out odds- not to avoid having to roll dice. Please fix the aircraft bug and elaborate on the charts in the calculator. Thank you, Matthew. maddogemht@yahoo.com
To clarify I see that you have incorporated damaged battleships and carriers- how about cruiser though- that would make this app valuable to hundreds of people playing the ambition app online....
So after reviewing the 1942 rules it seems that only battleships can recieve 2 hits (ie survive the 1st hit). Does the fact that you have damaged carriers imply that your carriers take 2 hits in the 1942 rules? I'm guessing yes. What would really make this app valuable is the ability to choose whether a carrier, battleship, or cruiser takes 1 or 2 hits to sink. As a 1942 Ambition player I'm looking for a calculator that shows cruisers and battleships taking 2 hits but carriers only 1. Thanks
Hey Matthew! The 1942 rules refer to the Axis & Allies board game 1942 edition, not the ambition app--just to be clear; I haven't seen the ambition app rules so I don't know how similar they are. You can reference http://www.wizards.com/avalonhill/rules/avl1942_rulebook.pdf for the implementation the calculator should be following. Per the 1942 rules, only battleships can receive two hits; so the point about picking carrier/battleship/cruiser is moot in this case. Do you have a reference for the Ambition app rules?
I'll check into the issue about the selecting aircraft bug on the naval tab. In the meantime, try flipping back an forth between the land and sea battle tabs, then selecting.
hi isaac my name is meesha...sorry for the short post but ive written out everything in leanghth and it all erased when i hit post...in a nutshell if you could correct the 1914 dice values and cpmbat mechanics in a future update it would be appreciated, thanks! The only other error I noticed as well was the aircraft carrier for 1940 should have no attack value. I like the app and have purchased both exited for a future 1014 update so I can use it...mainly the tanks cancelling hits, air superiority combat and corrected dice values.
Heya, so I think you're referring to (in 1914):
* tanks should be promoted along with artillery, and/or airsuperiority
* correcting air superiority fighting rules
* at least one infantry must always remain for the attacker
And then in 1940:
* aircraft carrier attack 0, defense 2 - this was a simple typo, I had the correct values for 1942 but just needed to add a "or 1940" clause.
Let me know if I missed anything...sorry it's not out yet, it takes Apple a while to push the updates.
thanks I look forward to the ipdate! great app!
Also I dont know if the game mechanics can possibly cover it but the tanks cancelling hits, otherwise it can be compensated for mentally and the infantey being 2/3
Yes, that's already included in the update as well.
Hello Isaac this is Meesha!
Thanks for the great update!
the 1914 version is working much better just a few small little extras I noticed.
the tanks should be Attack: 2( or 3 with artillary)/ Defense: 1
fighters 2/2
artillary 3/3 or 4/4 with airsiperirity
infantry (same values as tanks only without canceling hits on attack)
little extra (not that critical) but on the amphibious assault in 1914 the defending
artillary each get to take a pre emptive shot at the landing troops.
thanks for the good app for avid 1914 players like myself. I know the battle board
for 1914 works pretty well for showing the unit promotions if you have one handy.
sorry one more tid bit
subs are 2/2 with no suprise strike
I don't have a 1914 board, so I've never played a round--just working off the rulebook, which has a rather skewed printout of the board. Thanks for the notes, will be addressing soon.
thanks again! Im a fan of both the WW2 games and 1914...so this app has been invaluable and very good. I have the original as well and like all fhe updates in this one. The 1914 values I wrote above should about cover everything....if you have any questions just let me know otherwise image googling battleboard 1914 should explain all the land battle attack and defense values fairly well, you got the tanks cancelling hits already and air battle already and all the naval before was correct except for the subs which are just 2/2. Thanks for all your work to put out such a good app look forward to the update!
any updates?
Hey! I have been traveling without access to my dev computer. I will hopefully push the new version in mid August. Sorry about the delay!
sounds good, when you do the updates I noticed in 1940 as well that the AA guns dont take for casualties.
Does the in app upgrade include cruisers in amphibious assaults?
the app has a nice layout but some of the attack/defence numbers are wrong, please fix!
happy to years everyone! still hoping for and holding out for a final fix of this potential game changer app
OK, I was able to solve the problem regarding restoring the in-app purchase :)
However, I encountered two minor bugs.
1) On the iPad, if you enable the "show unit name" option, the right side of the defenders column is cut off when in portrait mode.
2) When you first start the app and choose a sea battle or amphibious assault, you can't add any units by tapping the symbols in the bottom two rows (bomber/tacbomber and destroyer/cruiser). After switching back and forth between battle modes or rotating the device, it works.
Hope this helps you, in case you want to update the app in the future :)
Thank you and best regards,
Hey Isaac are you still there? Any chance we might see a 1914 fix?
Any updates?
Many 1914 bugs fixed in 2.4, released today! https://axaasupport.blogspot.com/2021/01/probability-calculator-24-released.html
Probably still a few left, feel free to comment on that post with them.
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